Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The sounds of...


I have been listening to all kinds of music lately, and really enjoying the experience. Even reading creates a dialogue in my head that I have to consider "noise". I find, as a writer, that in all of that listening, I am missing something very important these past couple of weeks.

My own voice.

It's great to hear and experience lots of stuff, great to explore. It is necessary. I think, though, that we very often fail to miss an essential part of the art experience if we neglect the need for "negative space". It is essential to all art forms; a canvas fully covered still maintains visual negative space; in fact, it is that delicate balance of arrangement and color around negative space that makes art great and pleasing.

In writing, it's also a balancing act; editing. What to leave in, boot out, or add.

While studying and appreciating the art of others is mandatory, and fun, our art is not theirs. Our art is our own, born from within. It is influenced by our observations and appreciation of the art of others, but it is not theirs; it must remain our own if it is going to mean anything. Our art is the expression of our uniqueness.

So, do we make time to listen to the sounds of silence? I mean, isolation from the noises of the world, the constant input and outflow required by modern society. Have you listened to your brain, your heart, lately? Have you turned off the phone(s!), the computer, the TV, the radio, and just spent some time with yourself? You know, talking to yourself, thinking, wondering and hoping? Nope, not planning. That's outflow. Just being in the moment, with yourself.

This is the "magical" tipping point of creativity. (Not really magic, but as close as I can imagine to that concept we refer to when we can't explain things happening!)
When I listen to what I have to say, that usually translates into a song.
This is where the negative space creates the word-magic; this is where Mr. Muse infuses ideas and melodies, and best of all, sanity.

ALL of last week was a blur of activity for me; doing, planning, directing, blah. I can't carry that very far without the support of negative space in my head. That's when I become impatient, frustrated. I try to impress upon my kids how mom "needs her space", but they don't get it; so I am in charge of taking responsibility for creating it. I owe it to everyone around me, and they should appreciate it. We all have our personal boundaries, and need to be protective of them. Let in the positive influences, block the threats. A constant cacophony dilutes my ability to think, to create; and the need to create is, well, great. It supports sanity. I marries the dream to reality. I think this is why so many times, in the moments before sleep, some charming phrase or spirit-ish melodic line appears. I always hope I'm still awake enough to respond to them, but it's not always the case. If you are still, they will come.

I think that's why God asks us to "Be still, and know that I Am..." Psalm 46:10. We are able to realize His presence with us when we make ourselves aware of His presence. Sometimes He imposes Himself into our consciousness, more often not. He implores us to seek Him.

Well, if we're created in His image, I think it makes sense to seek yourself, too. Not in the "god" sense, since there is one Almighty. But not much in life comes from not striving, seeking; relationship comes with effort; mutual aspiration, goals; so it is with one's self.

Okay, I've been pouring out a lot of words here. Now I'm going to go and give you some negative space; some silence; and hopefully, the encouragement to grab that opportunity with delight.

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