Friday, July 8, 2011


This word conjures up a bevy of images; electrical, military; most recently, to me, an image of "everything"; a swirling mass of everyday life. It is a mighty, domineering whirlwind; and overwhelming cloud. It's in the stuff, the attitudes, the places, and the people. It's in the minds of every person you see. It is all that is negative rising up against any effort forward; any effort toward positive investment.

I was recently, happily, gifted with a copy of Steven Pressfield's "The War of Art."
In his little, but loaded, book, Pressfield names the overbearing cloud as "resistance". (I'm the one with the overbearing cloud image; his descriptions are various and different from the one I am picturing today.)

I don't know if resistance is the devil, or in him, or of him; or a product of the fall; it is mystical, it is non-material, though. I don't know if it is engineered by God Himself, but I do know that it is real.

It pushes back, against, down. It hates beauty; it despises achievement. It lives in me, and I know it. It lives in you, and I know it. I think it is aptly named by Pressfield.

Have you ever struck out on a venture, or attempted something deeply meaningful, only to find yourself feeling very alone, very unsupported, very divided even within your own mind? Let alone the misunderstanding and criticism of others; even worse, their disinterest. All products of resistance.

Everything that can get in your way, will. Somehow. It just happens, even if you're simply emptying the dishwasher.

The word "transcendence" was tossed my way a few days ago; I caught it. My first thought was, "that's such a spiritual word", and my second thought was, "transcend what?" What is the enemy, the opposition? Resistance.

Transcendence doesn't mean we have to simply rise above, we can be grabbed at and pulled back under by resistance if we're floating on a fluffy cloud of superiority. We have to conquer; we have to visualize our big, heavy army boots of desire and purpose squashing the enemy. We have to acknowledge the reality and enormity of resistance, and fight back. We have to have a "cow catcher" affixed to our foreheads, fitted to shove aside the inevitable debris.

Once upon a time, "One step forward, two steps back" meant that I couldn't get anywhere. Now, it only means that I have to walk three times as far. (I think that's one victory right there; wouldn't ya say so?) Gotta hand it to me sometimes...

It's important to support the dreams of those you care about, (and who you should care about may be a whole 'nother issue.) It's important to acknowledge their accomplishments on the way. It is easy to observe and say why something won't work; to upbraid the downside. It's our nature. But love should conquer all, right? Love is part of the fight; love is active, it is an awareness pregnant with intent.

Don't be an "unconscious objector".
Wake up and join the fight.

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